For my thesis I chose to combine my love for watching cross-country skiing and interaction
How can interaction be designed to improve the experience of watching cross-country skiing from home?
What is the existing culture and setting around watching crosscountry skiing at home?
This thesis explores the setting and culture surrounding watching crosscountry skiing at home and how to improve that experience. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods it’s discovered that watching solitarily from home is the most popular way to watch. The viewers express a great deal of interest in interacting with the athletes and in seeing more statistics. The design process results in an interactive visualisation and information system that overlays the broadcast, giving the viewer control over what to see and when. User testing proves this prototype and concept as desirable by the users, especially the conceptualisation of using their phones to control this system.
Coding with javascript
Web design with html and css
Research through literature, observations, surveys, interviews and user testing.